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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Me and Quickbooks, together at last

I decided to buy Quickbooks so I can keep all of you straight. =) I spent most of last night after getting home from work putting in all the transactions I've made so far.. it might have been smart to use it from the beginning. I can't imagine what a nightmare it would be for a well established business to switch. I had some trouble initially because the system would not allow me to put in transfer from the Amex to Paypal - they don't have any special notation for Paypal accounts, so I had to mark it as a bank account, and usually you can't make transfers from a credit card to your bank account. After marking the Amex as a bank account, it finally got reconciled. I'm pretty happy with it although I can't figure out how the hell to use a lot of the features - I've just been using the check register feature to enter transactions, so now it thinks every transaction is a check. =)

There were a rash of denials by one of the networks over the last couple of days - I had been warned but I didn't expect that many! Most of them belonged to a few users, who logged in, did a few offers, and logged out, and then all the offers they did were reversed. So they are probably using fraudulent credit cards or something like that. There were also a few offers put "under review" - ie the advertiser has not yet determined whether it's a valid lead, or they have to wait a certain length of time before the advertiser will pay on that lead. Overall, not too bad!


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